My PowerPlacing Story – Andrea Garcia

Personal & Professional Background: Tell Us About Andrea Garcia

This is Andrea, born and raised in Nicaragua, but I have been living in Madrid, Spain for the past six years. I am someone who loves practicing yoga, being close to my family and friends, and spending time with my dog, Mila. I came to Madrid to study business administration at Carlos III de Madrid, completed my degree in 2021, and started working as a marketing and communications intern at a software company. After a year as an intern, I decided that I wanted to be part of something bigger than just being a number in a company. I come from an entrepreneurial family. I started an online business in Nicaragua and co-founded an organization to help the most vulnerable families in the country during the COVID-19 years. The feeling of creating something from scratch has always driven me. This is when I decided I wanted to work for a company that aspires to achieve something greater, with the trust and dedication of all its employees.

Why Did You Choose To Work With PowerPlacing?

I chose to work with PowerPlacing because the company’s values and dynamic spirit resonated with my desire to be part of a team that is more than just a corporate entity—it’s a team that wants to see you grow and develop your skills. With a passion for creating something meaningful, PowerPlacing offered the perfect environment for me to explore my potential and contribute to something bigger. It’s a place where I can make a tangible impact and be part of a collective mission to bring about positive change in the world of virtual talent.

How Have You Grown Since Being Part Of This Team – Both Personally and Professionally

Since becoming a part of this team, I’ve experienced significant personal and professional growth. On a personal level, I’ve become more confident and resilient. The challenges and opportunities in our dynamic work environment have pushed me to adapt, learn quickly, and develop a strong sense of resourcefulness.

Professionally, my journey with this team has been transformative. I’ve transitioned from various roles to playing a pivotal role in shaping the company’s marketing and communication strategies. This transition has allowed me to contribute my unique perspective and insights to drive the company’s success.

I’ve had the privilege of working on different projects and collaborating with a talented and dedicated team. Here, I’ve experienced an environment where creativity and innovation are celebrated, enabling me to develop my strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Overall, my time with this team has been a journey of personal and professional growth. It has provided an opportunity for me to challenge myself, develop new skills, and make a tangible impact in a dynamic and collaborative work environment. This experience has truly transformed me into a more capable and confident professional.

How Would You Describe The Culture You’ve Helped Create Here? 

I’ve always believed in the power of teamwork, and here, we’re more than just colleagues; we’re a close family, supporting each other both personally and professionally. Together, we’ve built PowerPlacing!

We celebrate creativity and welcome new ideas with open arms. It’s an environment that encourages individuals to think outside the box and presents challenges that inspire growth. I’ve made it a point to ensure that every member of the team feels valued and heard. We come from diverse backgrounds, and I believe that our differences are our strengths. It’s a place where every voice matters, and we strive to create a sense of belonging for all team members.

Overall, the culture I’ve helped create is one where we work together, embrace new ideas, and ensure that everyone has a place at the table.

In Your Words: Why Should Someone Consider Working With Virtual Talent In Latin America? 

Hiring virtual talent from Latin America is a smart move. You’ll discover a lot of skilled professionals with strong work ethics, always ready to challenge themselves and deliver the best. It’s cost-effective when compared to U.S. wages, providing full-quality services at reasonable rates. Our culture fosters creative thinking, and we are known for our adaptability and excellent communication skills when dealing with international clients. Plus, the time zone alignment with major markets ensures smoother collaboration. Latin America’s virtual talent brings diverse skills, cost-efficiency, cultural richness, and effective teamwork to the table!

Can PowerPlacing Help You?

If you’re curious how you can sell more, do more and achieve more within your business, schedule a quick introduction call with Sophia by scheduling directly to her calendar here.

In this call, she will help you discover what virtual set up options are best for you and your business.

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