My PowerPlacing Story – Sophia Lopez

Power Placing, an Instrument in God’s Hands to Establish His Purpose In My Life

– Sophia Lopez

Personal & Professional Background: Tell Us About Sophia Lopez

If I could summarize these 25 years in 3 words I would say choice, grace and persistence. Born and raised in Bolivia, my parents always taught me that life is that which you decide to create. From a very young age my parents decided to invest in my education so that I could learn English and surround myself with people from different cultures and backgrounds. I strongly believe that this opportunity not only shaped my character but put me in circumstances where I learned the 2 most important things in my life, how to be empathetic and communicative. It also gave me this strong appetite to travel the world, learn what others knew and discover new ways of creating life.

Fast forward to my 17 years of age, I graduated from school and decided to leave Bolivia to study Gastronomy and Culinary Sciences which opened doors for me to live in Peru and Spain. Incredibly thankful for the service industry which taught me the “soft skills” recruiters talk about on LinkedIn – discipline, promptness, the ability to absorb criticism and most important, how to read people like a book. In 2019 when Covid struck I had to leave Culinary School and go back home to Bolivia. No savings, no career and no job, I decided to start my own business from home selling pastries to save money for school. However in 2022, I was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis in my hands which became the shifting point in my career. I shut down my business and started looking for new opportunities. Since January 2023 I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to work virtually from home, grow in knowledge and develop talents I never thought I had.

Why Did You Choose To Work With PowerPlacing?

There are several reasons but the strongest one would be the people that make up PowerPlacing. Ever since I met our leaders and coworkers, I felt a strong sense of belonging and genuine commitment to see us grow. Most importantly I knew this was a place where I would always be held accountable to the greatness they see in me and do the same for others. 

How Have You Grown Since Being Part Of This Team – Both Personally and Professionally

My journey with Power placing has been transformative both personally and professionally. 

Professionally, I learned that discipline starts with letting go of old ways of thinking and embracing new habits. Discipline also requires commitment and standards. Without doubt one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is action. Success follows movement and intention. 

However, one of the things I love the most about being part of this team is that everyone is committed to see you grow professionally AND personally. The attention to physical and mental health is genuine and that has challenged me to become even better every day. Becoming more intentional about every single area in life – mind, body and soul. Being fully aware that God has given me the power to impact generations by serving others on a day to day basis makes this opportunity an instrument in God’s hands to bless others and I find great purpose in that. 

How Would You Describe The Culture You’ve Helped Create Here? 

I would say we created a culture of strong purpose, extreme ownership, intentionality and self development. After visiting Nicaragua, one of the things I felt most blessed about was knowing that we were able to give them the opportunity to discover their talents, find purpose and be part of a community that will provide a space where they can grow to their fullest potential. 

In Your Words: Why Should Someone Consider Working With Virtual Talent In Latin America? 

It’s very simple. Latin American men and women can bring value into several areas of a business especially if as a business owner you value resourcefulness, service, hard work and strong relationships. Latin Americans have a strong sense of resourcefulness. The majority of us have grown in environments where we had to learn to do much with very little. Our home countries don’t always provide good work environments which is why we don’t take for granted opportunities, desire growth and work hard to achieve that. Lastly, we genuinely care about people so when we step in we naturally look to build community with coworkers, serve others and develop strong relationships with customers. 

Can PowerPlacing Help You?

If you’re curious how you can sell more, do more and achieve more within your business, schedule a quick introduction call with Sophia by scheduling directly to her calendar here.

In this call, she will help you discover what virtual set up options are best for you and your business.

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